Puppy Start Right Preschool
A Must for New Puppy Parents!
If you are interested in starting your puppy off on the right “paw” in life, this course will cover all you need to know. The program was developed by Kenneth M. Martin, DVM and Debbie Martin, RVT, VTS (Behavior), CPDT-KA, KPACTP.
The focus of the program is exploration, socialization, positive solutions to everyday dog behavior, and education. Positive reinforcement training is introduced but is not the main focus of the class.
Each week is themed with a different training topic, prevention topics and exploration items as follows:
Handling and Health-In this class you will teach your puppy the stationary behavior “sit,” as well as learning about confinement training, muzzle training, house training and how to make handling and restraint a positive experience.
Wheels and Children’s Toys-In this class you will teach your puppy the beginnings of “loose leash walking,” as well as learning about counter surfing and stealing objects, independence training, digging and the “hide and seek” game.
Obstacles and Sounds-In this class you will teach your puppy “leave it” and “drop it,” as well as learning about play biting and mouthing, the food bowl exercise to help prevent resource guarding and the “gotcha game” which teaches a puppy not to shy away when you reach for their collar.
Costumes and Appearances-In this class you will teach your puppy “recall/come,” as well as learning about chewing, jumping and spaying and neutering your puppy.
Please contact me for next class series day and time.
Dexter’s Deli-1229 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, California 92014 www.dextersdeli.com
$169. Class includes online orientation, weekly online instructional videos, 4 hands on classes, clicker, framed graduation certificate, graduation present for your puppy and 20% off one training item (harness, leash, treat bag, or clicker) at Dexter’s Deli.
“Puppy Start Right-Foundation Training for the Companion Dog” by Martin and Martin- This is available in paperback or kindle format. Here is the link for purchase.
Towel or mat for your puppy to lay on
Treat bag. This one is my favorite. Or you can buy one at Dexter’s Deli the morning of the first class and receive 20% off.
Belt-To attach treat bag
1/2 cup of yummy pea-sized dog treats
Puppies must be wearing a flat-buckle collar or body harness (preferred) and be on a 6 foot, non-retractable leash. Please no choke chains, martingale collars, prong collars, or gentle leaders
Classes are held outdoors. Please wear layered clothing and bring a hat as weather fluctuates.
Puppies must be between 8 weeks and 13 weeks at the start of class
Puppies must have first set of vaccinations to start class.