

Beautiful and smart, Jewel.

Shy and sweet, Valentino.

Affectionate and beautiful, Romeo.

I can help you in a variety of ways with your kitty.

Behavior Issues: 

  • Inappropriate elimination-not using the litter box

  • Aggression towards you, other people, or other animals in the home

  • Scratching and clawing furniture

  • Fear, anxiety or shyness

  • Depression, lethargy or not grooming

  • Excessive grooming, licking or chewing

Other ways I can help:

  • Providing mental stimulation and helping with prevention of behavior issues through clicker training, trick training and enrichment

  • Introducing your cat to new people or a new animal resident

  • Introducing a new cat to your home and your resident pets

  • Preparing your cat for new human baby

  • Teaching your children how to properly interact with your cat

  • Carrier training for travel or for visits to the veterinarian

  • Wearing a harness and walking on a leash

  • Advice on multi-cat homes and helping cats get along

  • Help with making your cat more accepting of petting, handling and/or brushing

  • Transitioning an outdoor cat to indoor living

    My behavior consultation is 90 minutes via Zoom session or in person (depending on your location and/or your cat’s temperament). In this session I explain why your cat is behaving the way they are, as well as giving you short-term and long-term recommendations for rectifying the problem as well as preventing future behavior issues from developing.


90-minute consultation is $295

Additional support sessions if necessary or desired are $160 per hour.