Marvelous Manners for 3
Join animal trainer, Britta Wilson, for an exclusive group class limited to 3 dog and handler teams!
You will receive individualized attention and instruction from Britta while learning the basics of clicker training as you teach your dog some very important foundation behaviors and skills!
The methodology used in class, clicker training, is based on progressive, scientifically proven and effective, force-free training techniques.
The class is designed to help pet “parents” learn how to communicate with their dog and strengthen the bond with their dog through positive reinforcement training.
No corrections, punishment or dominance are used, so it is fun and stress free for dogs and parents alike.
Learn about the origins of clicker training
Learn about the benefits of clicker training as opposed to correction training
Learn how to communicate with your dog, and get what you want, in a peaceful, force free manner
Learn how to use a marker/clicker to train behavior
Learn how to use capturing, shaping, luring and targeting to train a behavior
Learn the beginning levels of training a behavior
Attention (The first step in teaching a behavior is having your dog’s attention. This behavior is useful for redirecting your dog in a variety of other situations. Or can be taught as a default behavior meaning, your dog checks in with you naturally. When your dog is focused and “present,” training is more successful.)
Targeting (Learning to touch and follow a target allows you to teach a variety of behaviors including come, sit, over and under an obstacle, loose leash walking, and spin, to name a few.)
Recall (A solid recall may be one of the most important behaviors you teach your dog. This behavior could save your dog’s life should he/she get away from you)
Sit (The “sit” cue is the first stationary behavior you will teach your dog. “Sit” means touch your bottom to the ground. Adding duration results in a sit/stay)
Down (The “down” cue is the second stationary behavior you will teach your dog. “Down” means touching the dog’s elbows and rear to the ground). Adding duration to this behavior results in a down/stay.
Place (This exercise teaches your dog that being away from you can be rewarding. Your dog will learn how to settle or stay in a spot such as a bed or mat. This is a useful behavior when you are in the kitchen, at the dining room table, etc.)
Loose Leash Walking (Teaching your dog to walk on a loose leash will make taking them out in public more enjoyable. Walking your dog off your property can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your dog’s well-being.)
Leave it (“Leave it” allows you to communicate with your dog not to pick up objects on the ground. Similar to the cue “drop it,” “leave it” refers to preventing your dog from picking up an object.)
Relax on a Mat (Teaching your dog to settle at your feet is a great behavior to have especially when you are out for coffee, lunch or dinner. This is similar to how a service dog settles at their guardians feet when they sit down. It teaches a dog to be calm and how to settle instead of being told to “lay down.”)
Learn about clicker training and its origins in animal studies and marine mammal training.
Learn about the benefits of clicker training as opposed to correction training and why positive reinforcement training is the best for building a relationship of trust and mutual respect.
Learn the mechanics of clicker training, such as, how to hold a clicker and leash and deliver treats at the same time while practicing good form and timing.
Learn how to train a behavior using capturing, shaping, luring and targeting.
Learn the steps of training a behavior-once you learn the steps you can train any animal.
Learn about calming signals and signs of stress in dogs so you can be an advocate for your dog.
Class 1-Attention, Targeting and Settle on a Mat
Attention-Level 1 and 2
Hand Targeting-Level 1 and 2
Follow a Target-Through weave poles and up and off an object
Place-Level 1 and 2- Go to a mat or bed (students bring a mat or bed to class)
Relax on a Mat
Class 2-Attention, Stationary Behaviors and Settle on a Mat
Attention-Level 3 (raising criteria-distractions, duration and distance)
Sit-Level 1 and 2
Down-Level 1 and 2
Relax on a Mat
Class 3-Attention, Recall, Leash Walking and Settle on a Mat
Attention-Level 3 (raising criteria-distractions, duration and distance)
Recall-Level 1 and 2
Loose Leash Walking-Level 1 and 2
Relax on a Mat
Class 4-Attention, Leave It, Leash Walking and Settle on a Mat
Attention-Level 3 (raising criteria-distractions, duration and distance)
Leave It-Level 1 and 2
Loose Leash Walking-Level 3 (raising criteria-distractions, duration and distance)
Relax on a Mat
Please contact me for next class series day and time.
Dexter’s Deli-1229 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, California 92014
$189. Class includes orientation without dog and 4 hands on classes with your dog, clicker, framed graduation certificate, graduation present for your dog and 20% off one training item (harness, leash, treat bag, or clicker) at Dexter’s Deli.
“Puppy Start Right-Foundation Training for the Companion Dog” by Martin and Martin- This is available in paperback or kindle format. Available on or Amazon
An old bath towel for training Relax on a Mat.
Mat or bed for training “Place.” Will be needed for first class only.
A treat bag. This one is my favorite. Or you can purchase one the first day of class at Dexter’s Deli and receive a 20% discount.
Belt-To attach treat bag unless the treat bag comes with a belt.
Low, medium and high value pea-sized dog treats
Clicker (I will give you one in the orientation)
Class is taught in a linear format building on what was learned in the previous class or classes. For the most success in the class, please attend all classes.
Registration is required. No “drop-ins”
Dog must be 16 weeks for older
Dog must be friendly with no history of aggression towards dogs or people
Dog must have current vaccinations or titers (please bring proof the first class)
Dog must be wearing a flat-buckle collar or body harness (preferred) and be on a 6 foot, non-retractable leash. Please no choke chains, martingale collars, prong collars, or gentle leaders
Classes are held outdoors. Please wear layered clothing as weather fluctuates
No refunds or credits for missed classes