I am excited to announce we have a new service-
Husbandry Training and Enrichment for Horses!
• Does your horse show fear of certain objects or have an aversion to being handled?
• Does your horse show fear of trailer loading?
• Does your horse exhibit stereotypical behaviors such as cribbing, stall weaving, box walking or pawing ground?
• Is your horse a rescue or have they been previously abused or neglected?
• Do you lack the time to provide the enrichment you would like for your horse?
• Would you like to teach your horse general calmness and help with anxiety?
• Do you need help training your horse to accept hoof cleaning and/or other husbandry procedures?
If you answered yes to any of these questions we can help!
Additionally, we can help you with the following behaviors, husbandry and enrichment:
Haltering and Fly Masks-We can help your horse be calm around being haltered and wearing a fly mask
Standing-We can teach your horse to stand calmly for tacking and handling
Following a Target-We can provide enrichment for your horse through targeting and also teach your horse to target for medical and husbandry procedures
Lowering Head-Helpful behavior for horses to learn for haltering and fly masks and also as a "start button" cue for other behaviors and procedures
Stretch Routine-Teaching your horse to stretch is kind of like yoga for horses and it is a great exercise for horses who do not get out of their pen a lot, elderly horses who get stiff and horses that are rehabilitating
Hoof Cleaning- Teach your horse to be calm around hoof picking and readily offer their hooves
Tail Lifting-Teach your female horse to lift her tail for vulva checks
Trailer Loading-Teach your horse to willingly enter a trailer
Confidence and Trust Building-For horses who came from rescue or who were previously abused or neglected
Tricks- Fun enrichment for your horse